Saturday, March 13, 2010


This week I have come in contact time and time again with discussion about how the creativity and spirituality are connected. Sense I believe in a creative creator God it makes good sense to me that creativity and faith are deeply connected.

The theologian Matthew Fox talks of creativity being at the very center of the universe we live in and I have to agree with him. The more I know about science the more I realize that the universe we live in is not some lifeless machine but is rather very much full of life and creativity.

If the world itself is creative and if God Godself is creative than does it not follow that we should be creative too. But creativity is not just something that is to be aspired to we must to have respect for it because not only do our most noble actions come from creativity but so do our darkest actions. We must always be checking our creativity with morality.

When our creativity is at its best we can be co-creators with God in a world that is more just, more loving and more sustainable. It is through creativity that I believe we will learn to deal with the climate crisis, create equal rights for all sisters and brothers and find ways to help the poor and oppressed.

I believe that creation is not some event that has happened in the past I believe that God continues to create all the time and that we are a part of that process through creativity. We as people are in process. We are becoming and the sooner we realize that we are never at where we need to be but that we are journeying the sooner we can begin to creatively help each other on the journey.

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