Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Much Deserved Thank You!!!

To all my PSR Friends,

You all deserve a big thank you. As many of you know I deal with issues of anxiety and depression. Two weeks ago I went through I really bad week where I let my anxiety and panic attacks get the better of me. It is not the first time it has happened, and though I hope it is the last I know it will probably not be the last. In the past when I have struggled with this issues I have felt terribly alone and it has only made me want to withdraw more. But this time I experienced something I have always longed for but had long quit believing would ever happen. I had people see that I was struggling, even though if I'm honest I was trying to hide it. You recognized my pain, and asked me how I was doing. You asked me not in the dismissive way I'm used to but in a way that invited me to be open, you cared enough about me to allow me to be vulnerable and tell you what was really going on. You listened to me and made me feel worthwhile. I can not express how meaningful this is to me. I could not say how thankful I am to all of you and how much all of you mean to me. Thank you!

With all my love,


1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry you've been going through a rough patch, but I am thankful you have found the support and care you need in this wonderful community. I've dealt with anxiety and depression as well over the years, and sometimes I have it only barely under control. I'd be happy to talk with you about my own experiences and coping mechanisms if you are up for it sometime...
