I have to start by being honest I'm not nearly as green as a should be and want to be. I'm still a relative new comer to being intentional about my consumption , more specifically trying to curb my consumption. I could go on about what we should do to be more green but that would be hypocritical.
Instead I want to suggest that we look at the universe around us with new eyes. It is far too easy to see the universe around us as if it was a machine, cold and dead. This is simply not the case the universe is infused with creativity. If you leave atoms alone long enough all kinds of amazing things happen.
If we begin to see the universe as alive and wonderful we begin to reconnect to the universe, to each other and to the source of it all. We must reconnect to our sense of wonder. Have you ever just stopped to be in awe at the natural things around us? Have you ever had a conversation with a tree? If you haven't I invite you to try it because I believe you will find it enlightening.
So today I challenge you to go out and be in awe today. Look at the world around you with wonder. After all God created and saw that it was good. Let us take time today to see for ourselves that it indeed is good.